Tuesday, July 31, 2007
i hate fate. i forgot to mention yesterday. while driving to school, we passed this accident scene. a man was dead and on the ground, uncovered because the hospital attendants were waiting for police to arrive. despite having a choice not to look at the man, i still did. he was sprawled face down on the ground. i felt a sudden bout of sadness that wouldn go away, and until i prayed for him i felt instantly better. there are so many accidents happening nowadays. so many people are dying, regardless of murder, suicide or accidents. why are there so many people who are so reckless?! i feel angry everytime i think about death that can be avoided. it's been a long day today. i want to shut my mind down to things i dont want to know or see. someone teach me occlumency. try harder. and harder. and harder. i know how to try hard but eventually there will be a day my will loses out to my body. why does no one freaking understand that i am dumb. Monday, July 30, 2007 i have funnily started to feel cold these few weeks. does this mean i have shed off perhaps a tiny layer of blubber? hahhahah. today's english is one of the two or three As i've ever achieved in term3. am i suppose to rejoice or cry? i damnnnnn cannot wait for 8aug. man 8aug is like the big day of my life? -flute exam.... (meaning i have to skip school, leading to my 5-day holiday. it might as well be term break! :D) -gonna catch 不能說的秘密 on the first day its released! -終極一家 第一集!!!! (sorry i just have to make this really huge :)) at least if i flunk my flute exam, i have a few things to cheer myself up... Sunday, July 29, 2007 Disclaimer: People who cannot stand formal language in (my) blog posts please do not read. Done reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows(sorry nf, I read it after you left). I'm in awe. J K Rowling is my idol. The story is so well weaved, from Harry's first year right up to the last, even till nineteen years after he defeated Voldemort. J K Rowling has it all planned, not neglecting any details, not leaving any loopholes(none which a simple reader like me could see), and put everything in such acute language that simply makes me feel as if I were a witch that existed in the story, looking at all of Harry/Voldemort's memories(they were usually the protagonists) through Dumbledore's pensieve. Everytime I put down the book, I longed to pick it up again. Mealtimes were remorseful moments for me because I was afraid to bring it to the dining table for fear I would dirty Charmaine's book and live in guilt for the rest of the year. It's now a few hours after I finished the book yet the images of the battle of Hogwarts, the King's Cross, Harry feigning death, Snape's memory etc. are all still fresh in my mind. I am sure the death of the person Charmaine felt sad about was Snape's. I'm proud to say I have never believed Snape to betray Dumbledore, and believed Dumbledore must have died for some special reason! J K Rowling did a really great job of revealing some character's true personalities, whether in the past or present(in the book), and yet not changing people's impression of them. I shall not disclose who unless I'm giving spoilers, haha. Of course, there are quite a few losses within the book that may bring you draughts of sympathy or misery. However it didn't bring tears to my eyes compared to some of my classmates whom I have known that bawled over it. This is not an insult but merely to say I'm more stone-hearted as compared to them. I would like to thank J K Rowling for having created such a great story. This sounds cheesy because it's not like she will see it but I guess it's my respect to her professionalism and gratitude towards her for bringing these little suspense into my life in the form of Harry Potter books :D Congratulations too, for being ultra rich. P.S. Perfect language, punctuations and alphabets used(it is the first time I use them in this blog) to prove sincerity of blog post. i slacked all day at home. i lost my amath tys. cheeeeeers. 多愛我一天 我的祕密花園(主題曲) 作詞:徐世珍 作曲:Son Myowng-Kyu 編曲:吳慶隆 演唱:Energy 只要多愛我一天 不想和你說再見 請你只要多愛我一天 還有幸福的機會 寂寞的地下街 出口在哪一邊 思念是恆溫的感覺 空曠的電影院 心裡恍惚上演 是有你的從前 走多遠 才能回到妳身邊 總是為了似曾相識的影子而往前追 看不見 沒有了妳的明天 如果是錯的決定 我們應該要後悔 請妳只要多愛我一天 不想和妳說再見 我要妳 想起一開始 擁抱的感覺 請妳只要多愛我一天 還有幸福的機會 答應我 請妳給我證明永遠的時間 想為妳 再好好努力一遍 相愛的人不該再浪費分離的時間 今天起不會再讓你流淚 原諒我一開始沒學會 我會愛得好一點 Friday, July 27, 2007 its finally the weekend! its been a long week, not stressful but nevertheless full of tests and.... depression! hahahahah. i went to read my old blog again, the one where i only had for three months in sec1 before i switched to this. man... i think i was really really childish? recalling everything that happened in those times, i realised i was pretty mean (esp to louisa), kaypoh, selfish, bratty, anything you will think a sec1 is when you are sec4. man. i feel pretty ashamed of myself. i shall never disclose my old blog to anyone! hahaha many repeated names were mentioned in the old blog.... esp ziqin, louisa, jiayun, june, sihui, kanglin, peckying, esther blahhhh~ times of sec1. one word to describe my feelings now: EMBARRASSED!! how could i have been so childish huh! okay never mind. shant waste time here! shall deliberate on whether to read harry potter or watch wodemimihuayuan :) ![]() ![]() How Old is Your Inner Child? ![]() My inner child is sixteen years old! Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while adults might just accept that, I know something's gotta change. And it's gonna change, just as soon as I become an adult and get some power of my own.
look! my inner child is my age! i was looking at my archive in this blog that were from sec1, i took the same test and my inner child was SIX years old. proves i was really really childish. Thursday, July 26, 2007 it was english prelim oral yesterday. my english marks just flew away~~ to think i could scrape maybe an A2. AND i thought conversation was the easiest, but due to my poor luck i blanked out and didnt have much to say. well at least i struggled to look super confident and calm (yahh xuezhen can be my shifu, she always thought you can flunk everything but cannot lose ur image). the examiner recognised me! it went like that. -walks into room- mrs sng (S): sit down. me (M): okay. good afternoon mam. S: xiaowei is it? M: yeah. S: oh arent you the one that participated in the campus superstar? M: (appalled as i didnt even recognise the teacher) yeah! how do you know! -astonished- S: oh i walked past tpy that day and watched abit. M: but how do you know it was me? S: i recognised ur face. M: -horrified- S: okay let's start. mannn! what a nice shock! am i supposed to feel honoured or? FINALLY history decided to give us structured essays. we have been getting so much of source based i felt ready to murder whoever who set the paper if it were SBQ again! having studied so hard before every test~~ well actually it doesn make a difference. no matter how confident i am with my answers they will still come back pretty wrong somehow. i would just borderline pass or maybe gotten a fail. term three ppr is gonna suck. borrowed harry potter atdh from charmaine!! was reading it like super carefully, afraid to destroy the book or something... mannn it proved to be really interesting. and i've totally abandoned my physics for this. im gonna die. Tuesday, July 24, 2007 failed my logarithms and indices paper. june was one mark away from perfection. and surprisingly i was quite nonchalant towards the whole thing. i have no idea why. i've been so used to tests nowadays that i cant even remember what was the test i took today. english oral tomorrow. the thought of it makes my throat dry. oh highlight of the day! WE DISSECTED A FROG! four people to one frog. mannn its damn amazing can. the heart of our frog was still beating even when we cut out the whole heart from the body! the gall bladder seemed like an unburstable balloon. hahha. the group next to us burst the rectum and from then on came a revolting stench~~~ looking over we saw lightbrown liquid and stuff...... eeeeew. hahaha. they also had like HUGE ovaries?!?!?! its black and gooey and yuck, like cement/tarmac! but still it rocks, felt bad for the frog but the lesson was really amazing. practising oral. later gotta read through some math, then pick geog or history to revise. busy night! Monday, July 23, 2007 i must admit. i am lousy shit at amath :( bio is.... -keeps my mouth shut- -tries to pry eyes open- -sticks toothpicks in eyelids- okay im going a tad too dramatic. Sunday, July 22, 2007 alright, forget the previous post. theres no new look and no new life. apparently i chickened out and decided to ngeh-ngeh tie my hair up before going out today. lol. journey home from flute was more fun than journey there. hhaha. how can ji-go-ba champion me lose to newfriend :( should go train up my psychic powers. if you think i did, thats because you did. i think this week is gonna be pretty hard. considering i left 3 out of four books i need to study in my locker. i know its time i buck up but even when i do there's no results. but i keep my promise that i wont give up. i will not cry for any tests i've flunked, in order to prevent pitying myself. afterall, its my brains that arent up to scratch. it is not chance, it is not luck. anyone who feels bored and needs to keep awake after midnight can consider msging me. will always be available mans. changed my hairstyle. new look, new life. Saturday, July 21, 2007 my mum never fails to give me this scathing look every night and say, '你還剩多少時間? 你跟我小心一點.' WHAT LAH. IM GOING TO DIE IS IT! Thursday, July 19, 2007 im feeling more rotten by day, and by hours. the things i let go are coming back. get lost! you are not worth it to bother me. anymore. Wednesday, July 18, 2007 great job stnicks! :)) my mood got dampened right before we left for the national championships, and it stayed throughout the whole thing. im sorry if i was irritating and looking abit glum today, charmaine :( only cecilia knows why. and im sorry i took ur condo key home :( will there be a day where i wont fall asleep just by looking(and not reading) at the things i am supposed to study? Tuesday, July 17, 2007 yesterday was really eventful? hahha! RAN to the bus stop after we got released early due to the sec3s listening compre, rushed down to amk hub to watch harry potter! haha, because we were pretty late compared to liyi and company who took cab down, we asked them to help us buy the tickets. thanks! the movie started on the dot, no preview or anything. so we missed part of the show by being around two mins late :( the movie was quite okay what! why everyone say not nice not nice.... sigh. i got quite irritated everytime someone said the movie was not nice, or any other movie sucked etc. i mean, whats with the high expectations, they should go try make a movie themselves? for people in the movie industry, other than making money, their other goal is to make the audience happy. look at the time and effort put in for each harry potter movie. thats what people dont see when they only look at how the movie was not following the book, not showing this and not showing that. please lah. you want a perfect movie, go dream about it. sorry for the outburst. i often didnt want to be mean by saying all these in their faces... heh. so im just indirectly responding to them here, if they see it, its their bad luck :/ besides, i think the way they changed some parts of the movie was really really cool! okay lah enough of harry potter... movie ended, mer and joanne flew off for their homecooked dinner hahhah. yunjie olivia cecilia weiling and i went to mos(because we couldn wait until we reached home, our stomachs were already sucking air in replacement of food). yunjie ranted about a particular teacher (which its not convenient for me to name due to that teacher being ridiculously smart and stalks blogs), we were laughing like shit! then bus-ed home with olivia, nice talk we had :) today is a tired day. i have no idea why. hahahaha. from morning till now i have dozed off while sitting upright for about.. 6 times?(yes in school and at home) okay i shall stop ranting here i've got those vectors to figure out(i cant rmb how they work) for the test tomorrow and there's track and field championships too. its gonna be a long day. Sunday, July 15, 2007
my flute exam is coming.... like after so long? you have to sign up half a year in advance so i've been waiting till my neck is as long as a giraffe's. finally had the chance to watch my tank dvd today! goodness, lots of surprises! he sang alot of songs from his first album, all which i knew and liked! then he sang other singer's songs like taozhe's and zhangzhicheng's. THEN! FEILUNHAI APPEARED! -screams- ahhaha! but eh..... please dont watch that. they sucked.... hahah. sadly, dadong cannot sing live :( but nevermind their appearance was enough! then tank continued singing. SELINA appeared too! cheers! my god tank was REALLY SHY he was so cute! he kept blushing and dont dare to hold selina's hands or look at her directly hahahha :D then she said the company wanted to give him a surprise, then his whole family came onstage. HE CRIED! -awwwww!!!!- i was like :( :( to see him cry lah. believe it or not. hahhahha. i dont think i have crooned about any other artistes other than dadong! tank is the other special one! his sister also went onstage, the one that passed away in the period between the first and second album. her appearance made me feel really bad for tank, because at that point of time he wouldn have expected his sister would leave him really soon. as i read in the lyrics book the message he credited people, he mentioned that when his sister passed away, he lost all hope and interest in singing. booooo.... :( must treasure everyone around because you'll never know when they will leave you. wah.... one big chunk on tank! heh.. surprising. im so dead. i didnt do my geog homework! and i dont know what work is there! :( Saturday, July 14, 2007 woke up today with a really bad dream. there was only one time ever that i cried in my sleep. this is the second time. i use to hear people say, if you are too happy in the day, you will dream of sad things in the night. i really did :( it was a problem that i had ignored, a sorrow that i have decided to let go. if it came back in my dreams, does it mean i have been worried about it subconsciously? its not worth it crying over this. i dont know why i did. hurr. 除了想你 除了愛你 我什麼什麼都願意 翻開日記 整理(打開)心情 我真的真的想放棄 你始終沒有愛過 你在敷衍我 一次一次忽略我的感受 我真的感到力不從心 無力繼續 這感情 不值得我猶豫 不值得我考慮 不值得我愛過你 這種回憶 不值得我提起 不值得想起不值得哭泣 這段感情 早就應該放棄 早就不該讓我浪費時間找奇蹟 這樣的你 不值得我恨你 不值得我為你而壞了心情 我決定不為你而毀了心 放棄愛你 anyone else who has 夢飛船 songs other than this please send me! will love you forever! :D the big day. yesterday woke up late and kept jiayun waiting! (speaking of this many people still thinks she's my sister when they see us come to school everyday. we are from the same level!) reached school and IMMEDIATELY chionged presents! thanks june for helping alot! recess was ju celebration! goodness lah, cos we were celebrating 5 people's birthdays, we sang the song five times! attracted lots of attention from the people in the canteen. had fun! the only thing is, we rush rush meet, rush rush eat, then the others rush rush left, leaving us the sec4s :( but since they are doing xubie stuff, shall be nice and not be upset about it! :D after recess, continued doing presents. i was doing nonstop? until after school, had physics test (which i didnt study much for). thanks liyi and peiyi for testing me and telling me about physics! helped me answer a few qns (: after phy test CONTINUED to do presents!!! when five oclock came i was still not done. thanks liyi and peiyi and maine for helping me finish man. den we all rushed down to dramastudio. xubie begins. walking through the door, the juniors all sat in a way so that they created a path for us to our seats. lishis get to sit first row! watched the video. they koped quite a few of my blog and friendster pictures! (actually i dont know where they got them from, but those photos came from my camera :D) i helped contributed to many people's unglam photos :D sorry! but the video was really great, they ended with our redbellies photo. kinda touched when we saw that... oh did i mention the souvenir is qingtianwawa? so sweet!! the souvenir we got when we came to huahui was a small qingtianwawa. now we leave huahui with a big qingtianwawa... :)) level items sec twos were up first. they started with a very familiar setting, i cant rmb which performance it was, last yr's xubie or this yr's yingxin. but they started saying that everything was familiar and now it had to change. thanks sec2! like i said in my gece, you all are a very talented badge with lots of potential. must develop! jiayou! sec1s performance was very special. was quite touched to see qihong looking so serious! thanks sec1s... ni men kai shi zhang da le :) sec3s sang tian shi. was quite touched about something but i shant say! cannot imagine next yr they are laoda le :( lishis item rocks the most lah! very organized and sweet! we fang xin jiao huahui to you all alr :D sec4s item of course not bad lah! ahahha. although all we did was to sing lao po, but we sang from our hearts and we were super loud and enthu! during the meetings, all our voices combined were softer than the song playing from the phone but this time, we really shone :) happy :) we made a few juniors cry though... i guess it means alot :) handover. the results are unexpected i guess.. hahah. mingee and shushien! must zhao gu xijuzu okay!! i believe yall can do it! and dont tear off the paper on the block already lah. hahaha! xijuzu got alot of act cute zuzhangs leh! hahha. food. man! i felt so loved lah! shi wu zu did a GREAT job. they hand delivered our food to us! and on our food there was a flag poked on it. the flag had our name :D so personalised and special. thanks shi wu zu! sat at a table with anges yiling maine kah and mingshan. the next table contained the rest of the lishis. hahah! screamed so much, because they were all attacking each other by squirting honey and chocolate syrup on each other's jelly. im switzerland, i dont attack people so i dont get attacked! started receiving presents so i went to deliver mine too! hectic hectic. ran everywhere trying to find people. finally took a photo of xijuzu! so wasted.... the picture came late. but at least we did have a photo together in the end! i love xiju! niwangheisidai so rocks lah!!!! they made us a personalised MAGAZINE!!! goodness its pretty pretty. yall must have put in alot of effort, thanks alot! yall rock! we must keep in touch okay! and keep to the promise in the game! i'll link up our ju blog :D xubie ended. went to sumohouse for dinner with sec4 lishis and laoshi :) laoshi treated us! had alot of fun, but i cant remember how we spent the time; everything just went by. but ziqin stayed for everything, im so glad :) went home and went through all the presents. the letters made me realise im really leaving huahui for good, leaving all the wonderful people for good. was touched by quite a few letters, especially those from mingee, monica, xuezhen, fiona, kairou, sheila, jacq... and more. thanks for making my huahui life so memorable and wonderful. i have so many things to say to all of you, but due to time constraints and like i say, my poor time management, sorry i cant deliver my msgs to all of you in time. but they will come eventually, before i leave stnicks! received lots of CLOVER and GREEEEEEN things :D thanks so much for the effort :) i hope all of you like my lucky amulet charm too! must must keep it with you! read gece till i fell asleep. it was bittersweet. to see what all of us have gone through. it is so much more different compared to reading senior's ge ce. because we sec4s went through everything together, we can correspond more to one another's liuyans. i know many people complain about my miniscule handwriting, sorry lah got alot to write mah hahha. this ge ce will be the most precious ge ce to me. thanks sec4s and especially redbellies for all the memories we share. though still unwilling and unready, i will leave huahui happily. 4th lishi! yall must jiayou okay! xubie was terrific! love! *no pictures cos my brother stole my usb cord :( received the evaluation collation! shall paste abit here :D 郑晓微(戏剧组组长): · 友善,搞笑,容易相处 · 有责任感,办事效率高,有领导能力 · 有领导能力,认真 · 开朗,风趣,积极,直爽,有时很疯狂 · 乐于助人 · 有亲和力 · 会照顾会员 · 很有才华,对戏剧很有热忱 · 是个好学姐,也是个好组长 林欣仪(戏剧组副组长): · 友善,人很好,亲切 · 搞笑,风趣,开朗 · 可以再接再厉 · 乐于助人,对学妹不错 · 负责任,认真,尽责,会把该做的事做好 · 严肃,有责任感 · 做事有条理 · 和晓微一起搭档不错,是个好副组长积极,活泼 main point is the bold part :D jacq! ure the president now. you can do it! trust me, and trust yourself. dont forget me as ur mentor ah! (hahah so happy, i feel like a shi fu with a superb tu di) i miss xijuzu times with you, taking attendance and preparing games and stuff :( i wont forget qihang after xiemu too. thanks for journeying with me through xiju times, through 06 and 07. you rock alot! ming nian kao ni le. go for it! all the best! :)) <3 and thanks to huahui lah. for praising me :D:D im like on cloud nine! if not, thanks to the new lishis that didn put all those defamatory remarks on the collation :D Friday, July 13, 2007 a long post shall come tomorrow. im bushed, after going through all the presents :D am gonna spend another few hours perusing ge ce! :D redbadges rock. i enjoyed every moment of xubie. thanks so much to huahui, each and everyone of you and esp lishis! you all rocked, so much :) i have faith in all of you! loveeeee. im missing huahui like crazy already. Wednesday, July 11, 2007 test after test. day after day. 做一天和尚敲一天鐘 --- 得過且過. no time to delay. off to chiong. -sleeping god is blessing me- Tuesday, July 10, 2007 臭妹妹楊雪雪! 生日快樂 :) i deliberated half daoed her in school today, because i wanted to not wish her until the last minute! too bad mission failed. tomorrow's celebration is also delayed. booooo! anyway hope you had a really really great day :D love!! well, its another C5 in my ppr. very very encouraging. please congratulate me. its getting harder and harder to believe that i can achieve as long as i work hard. this theory has not been proven. do i sound nonchalant? if i do, you can kill me first. i can almost die from near-depression. HAHAHAHA. if only i could be nonchalant about these. but the fact that i am still affected, hopefully means 我還有救... aja. Monday, July 09, 2007 mans.... really want to complain to wanglaoshi, CHENYONGMING(laoshi) IS PICKING ON (almost) ALL THE HUAHUI PEOPLE IN PURITY! aiyoh, ohmygod lah. shoot me questions for five min when i was having a near-terrible tummy upset was alright. whats with asking me to sing when i just came back all wobbly from the toilet! and so early in the morning, where got voice lorh :( in the end abit disgrace myself cos...... shall not disclose details to embarrass myself further lah. the tummy upset lasted from right after assembly throughout school till around 8pm just now. at one point of time when i just felt like giving up taking math test after school and wanted to go home, but recalled that mrs goh said giving up now is stupid. well. the test was just another head scratching time for me. preparing to fail the previous emath test, im prepared to fail this amath test as well. its a kind of disappointment i cannot describe. i dont know why no matter how hard i try, i still dont improve. each test saps more of my energy and nothing is able to replenish it. where has all my motivation gone? i dare say my marks in my class are really pathetic. i caught sarah sneaking a dubious look at me as she passed down my test paper the other day. it is morale destroying. but who could i blame? the only thing i can assure myself is that i have not given up or escaped from reality yet. that would be really cowardly. i wont. i will never. whats with me lah. Sunday, July 08, 2007 blogger failed me yesterday, but i guess it doesn really matter, not for me and of course, not for anyone else. not like my blog attracts more than 2 readers a day huh? hmm alright i dont know about that. was suddenly at a loss yesterday, i dont know why and how. anyway im not gonna let that affect me. i Friday, July 06, 2007 she's still getting on my nerves :( what happened today? i dont seem to have any recollection. oh yeah, had a headache stretching from right after recess till 5 pm when our lessons ended :( thank god physics spa allowed a half and hour sleep. hahha. i like 林志穎 :) Thursday, July 05, 2007 it was really demoralising getting back my maths papers today. how come my efforts never pay? the two tests today were.... ahha. okay. i forgot them already. yes indeed i think i keep seeing yanbing everywhere! today too, hhaha. initially wanted to rush home to catch yu le bai fen bai (for goodness knows why, i never ever chased that show) in the end spent so much time in the photocopier shop i missed half my show :( my target of wanting to go home alone failed because i met jieying evonne and yanbing on the way. not like we took the same bus all the way lah. hmm even though my plan failed but it was nice catching up with them lah :) im still very paiseh for not recognising yiyong on the other bus T_T paiseh paiseh, causing ur 'funny expression' which i thought was very 經典. if not for ur nametag, hahha. 經典的陌生人. wanted to give up my yulebaifenbai but got the sudden urge to switch on the tv, in the end the first person i saw was chenyiru, so qiao, quite happy lah hahahah :D physics worksheet is :/ geog test tomorrow is -faints- coast's got 40plus pages in the book! good luck good luck. Wednesday, July 04, 2007 ohoh, want to mention something funny... in the recent bio paper, there was a question about flowering and apparently my answer was supposed to be like this: "The stigma sticks out from the flower to receive any floating pollen grains from the air." i wrote : "The enigma sticks out from the flower to receive any floating pollen grains from the air." wow, how cool.... so apparently, flowering is about how the mystery sticks out from the flower to receive any floating pollen grains from the air~~~ this is how english is getting to me :/ YANBING wow! its such a surprise to see you at my gbk man... dont know if u'll ever see this but shall just reply you here (i accidentally lost ur link and i dont think ure blogging anymore right?). yah, keep seeing you around lately. before this i think i've NEVER seen you around right! the revision tests prove myself to be an insult to the school -_- im getting more demoralised day by day :( hope ure doing well! shall see you around again! long day today. had a SUPER refreshing nap during chem, the last lesson. i slept for like uh, 45 min? hahhaha. miss yee didnt bother... think she understands its tiring huh? (but i still dont understand how the rest of my classmates are still very energetic... most lah heh.) when school ended i felt like i had slept a whole night, and am going home for lessons -_- met weiling at the bus stop, ahhhhh! so happy! it must be fated hahah! got some stuff off my chest.. thanks for listening man. i couldn have ranted to anyone else (literally, im leading quite a pathetic life now) xiexie! random bus rides like this are really cool :)) its really nice talking to you again!(though i was kinda eccentric today due to the nap i took) social studies and history tests tomorrow, geog and phy spa on friday. i need to jiayou le. (我每次說到都沒做到) :( Tuesday, July 03, 2007 每個星期有七八個測驗不是蓋的, 真的會整死人. 我要去nerd了, 祝福我. Monday, July 02, 2007 have been visiting and revisiting my wretch, i think im quite going insane over the excitement. but i dont think anyone will find it fun there, cos the posts are all :// but if anyone is clever enough and finds it, leave a message :D tried to study. as for whether it has been effective studying i have no idea. i used to like chemistry. i dont anymore. i hated amath logarithms. i still do. after studying like mad and being only around 60percent effective, i decided to watch wo de mi mi hua yuan to energize myself. thank god i still can control my watching rate. i love lin yi chen! lets hope i dont flunk amath and chem tomorrow. i really want to do well this term. Sunday, July 01, 2007 yoz people, from today onwards, im gonna like use traditional chinese randomly everywhere! all thanks to yiyong! cheers man, 我遇到貴人! thanks so much, i didnt realise you like traditional chinese so much too! dont know if u'll ever see this, but i think we are like siblings man! somehow just think i have quite a few things in common with you. 我們做姐弟怎樣? :D created a wretch account :D and made it pretty pretty. not gonna make it known to anyone anytime soon though... cos i feel like a different person over there. alright. i have slacked enough. its on my conscience, my homework and next week's test. somehow i just lost my energy from last week. ciaos. |
![]() Clovergreen♥ There's more to things than you'll ever know, but I'm beginning to anticipate the unknown. Smile, because you are worth it. Tey Xiao Wei 08021991 NUS FASS Victoria Junior College CHIJ SN Aquarius Enthusiast Extreme 蘇打綠 Sodafan Designer : Chili. x o x o free web counter |